PassivHaus Consultancy

As structural engineers, we are more than a little unusual in that we understand the principles of PassivHaus design, and the targets set out in the PassivHaus Standard. This means that we work to ‘fabric first’ principles, with details and materials that do not compromise the energy and airtightness targets. We actually understand what you and your architect are trying to achieve(!) and we would love all buildings to be thought of and built in this way.

The PassivHaus Standard is a detailed, fully measurable energy performance target for buildings. This ‘fabric-first’ approach to energy efficiency relies on good quality materials and workmanship to produce building which cost as little as £15/year to run. The initial research was carried out in Germany on houses, but the standard has since been expanded to include all types of building. PassivHaus can include ‘bolt-on’ technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines, but this is not essential and most PassivHaus look so similar to ‘normal’ homes it is hard to tell the difference unless you know where to look.

The PassivHaus standard can also be applied to existing buildings in what is called an EnerPHit retrofit which generally involves works such as adding extra insulation and making the building airtight. This standard enables existing homeowners to reduce their energy consumption by up to 90%.

At Build Collective, we offer full PassivHaus and EnerPHit refurbishment design services, as well as a consultancy service available to architects and designers wishing to meet the PassivHaus standard.